I've been enjoying the process of getting things done during these weeks leading up to Christmas, despite the additional excitement of an impulsive foster dog acquisition and the time it requires to kiss her and cuddle her to the degree that is proper with a creature such as her.
We did have time for one new nifty hike discovery, to Fort Foote. Dahlia is great in the car, as long as she can sit on someone's lap.
This was the first and probably the only hike with all 3 dogs, and they did well!
and the cannons that remain on this site, one of 68 forts encircling Washington, DC by 1865.
The fort is also close to the Potomac, so an easy hike brought us to the sandy beach which made Keller so happy she was overcome by the zoomies
Why do dogs get so excited by sand and water?
Kinda the same way we humans feel.
The fort is close-in and the hike was short and sweet, so plenty of time when we got home to spend the afternoon cooking and making Mom's nutty meatballs and vegan "cheese" balls
And to get ready for a couple of friends to come over to play music.
The girls love meeting new people and though I know they probably can't hear a bit of it,
they seemed to want to be around the music. Maybe they could hear the vibrations?
I'm glad they got to experience it in their own ways!
Having guests over is a bit stressful, and I don't entertain often since my life and house became completely overtaken by unruly dogs. But when I do, I'm always glad I did.
Now the final run before Christmas and Keller's transfer to the shelter. Will I be able to do it? Time will tell!